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Meetings are held every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm.


We need your financial assistance to accomplish our mission.

As we have all come to appreciate over the years, Freedom is not Free. Its cost is measured in blood, sweat, and tears.

The blood has already been shed…and it continues to be shed wherever our service members find themselves in harm’s way.

Our selfless volunteers add the sweat and tears, as they dedicate their time and energy to assist our comrades-in-arms and their families in times of need. They are also constantly reminding our distracted and busy countrymen of the debt we all owe to our veterans.

On a mundane and practical level, this effort costs money.

Help us SUSTAIN our veterans and REMIND the public through a contribution to MOFW’s outreach efforts.

Please click below to join the growing ranks of our supporters.
Thank you for your contribution!

Frank Lennon, Commander, RIMOFW

DONATE securely using Paypal or a credit card

Please consider checking the "make this a recurring donation" box for convenient, automatic monthly support.
You may choose a fund to direct your donation to during checkout.
Prefer to print and mail your DONATION?
Click here to download THE FORM.

Please specify "Event Support", "Scholarship Fund" or "General Fund" on the memo line of your check.

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