Monthly Meeting Minutes
July 9, 2021
17 May 2023
Change of Command
Meeting was called to order at 1900 Hours
Secretary confirmed there was a quorum.
There was a motion from the floor to nominate and by acclamation
approve the nominated individuals. It was approved unanimously.
Commander: MSG John Duchesneau
SR Vice CDR: Col Ronald Barnes
JR Vice CDR: Vacant
Secretary: LTC Cortlandt Clarke, Jr
Treasurer: LTC James Kenney II
Registrar: MAJ Frank Lennon
QM Vacant
Webmaster: LCDR Kasim Yarn
Nat’l Delegate Brig Gen James D’Agostino
Chaplain: Fr. Philip Salois
It appeared that a good time was had by all
The Change of command declared ended at 2015.
Submitted by Cortlandt Clarke, Jr Secretary